Sassan Pourkarimi blogs EN

The Eternal Truth

Being born in this world is being born in a world where everything is upside down. The child is programmed by the environment and society who represent this upside-down reality. And to get a place in this world, to keep standing in a world of lies, the child starts to adjust. To a world in which value is added to everything that is impermanent. The child has to identify: what is their name, who is their idol, what do you want to become when you are grown up, etc. This is further enlarged by propaganda from the mainstream media who program the upgrowing child and later the adult with that that the Deep State wants them to assume as truth. Advertising seduces man to buy things or to take in that in no way contributes to what they are here on earth for and is mostly even harmful.
Of importance however is that the person gets the roots to differentiate away from this. To go walking the own unique path.

In Tibetan Buddhism one speaks of the 3 poisons. Actually that on which this world is based on and is promoted. But of which ancient traditions, and in this Tibetan Buddhism explicitly, say that that are poisons we have to get rid of: ignorance, anger, that originates from early unresolved residues, and desire that creates the illusion that the future is the solution instead of healing it in the emotional body. And of these 3 is ignorance the root. Turning this around brings us in contact with the truth of who we really are. And where the bliss originates, not even originates, but is. Because everything is now. Away from the illusion of time, attaching value to the reflection, but being in a state of presence and bliss.

As the Indian spiritual master Meher Baba beautifully says: "The greatest romance possible in life is to discover this Eternal Reality in the midst of infinite change. Once, one has experienced this, one sees oneself in everything that lives, one recognises all of life as his life, everybody's interests as his own. One is no longer bound by habits of the past, no longer swayed by the hopes of the future - One lives in and enjoys each present moment to the full. There is no greater romance in life than this adventure in realization."