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The relationship between Jung and Quantum Physics

We live in a time where more and more discoveries are made about the nature of our reality. There is an enormous rise in the use of plantmedicines, with which the boundaries of our perception can be extended. Researchers discover similarities in for example the proportions between the pyramids in Teotihuacan in Mexico and the pyramids in Gizeh in Egypt. And relationships and proportions in the pyramids appear to align with cosmological proportions or with for example the diameter of the earth. As if the builders purposefully encoded the laws of creation in the pyramids with the message to move beyond these limitations. The new discoveries correspond with the worldview of ancient cultures. Like for example the illusion of our reality, in Hinduism and Budhism called maya, meanwhile is confirmed by quantum physics. With this quantum physics confirms the knowledge of ancient cultures. Jung developed his analytical psychology by researching this knowledge from antiquity. An interesting reason to research the relationship between Jung and quantum physics.

When we research the relationship between the ideas of Jung and quantum physics, a reasonable start would be to compare Jung's collective unconscious with the quantumfield of quantum physics. More valuable would be to have clear that quantum physics is a science that tries to understand a certain area. The time after 2012 was seen by many ancient cultures, like the Maya, Inca and Aboriginals and has become famous because of the Mayan Calendar, as a new era with big changes and a higher consciousness. Meanwhile we see many paradigm shifts and quantum physics is seen as a modern science. Officially it is a sub area of physics that studies particles, either the smallest coblestones of nature. However, as quantum physics itself confirms, those particles in essence don't exist, which makes quantum physics much more a science that tries to understand the nature of our reality. With this, it's a branche in science that describes the behaviour of matter and energy on the smallest levels, like atoms, electrons and photons. But ask various persons that study quantum physics to explain it, you will get different answers. This shows the subjectivity of our perceptions, an principle that is confirmed by quantum physics. Here we can start to see glittering a bit of Jungian psychology. To stay a bit with the old science; more and more is proven that many scientifical areas are obsolete. Interesting in a time in which authorities push their policies by continously referring to the science. Rudolf Steiner already announced this 100 years ago when he spoke about the time that only a materialistic approach would be valued. Also recent archeological uncoverings show that the conventional history of the past 40,000 years is totally incorrect, partly because it is approached from a Western perspective. For example by asking the question when inequality started, a kind of bias is already shown. Various professors acknowledge this but say that they are not in the position to change this and leave this to the next generation. Those who go against the dictated reality are discharged from their position. Stem cell biologist Bruce Lipton, who did indepth research to the principles of quantum physics for his work says that "quantum physics completely undermines many accepted theories. Quantum physics is the most valid science on earth. Because almost all of the theoretical expectations of quantum physics before they were tested turned out to be absolutely accurate. So as far of accuracy quantum physics has more insight and accuracy than any other science."
The discovery of quantum physics
The quantum physics was dioscovered in 1925 and solved the problem of the nature of the Universe. The father of quantum physics is Max Planck (1858-1947). In 1927 he said: "All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind." In short, the mind is the creator of all matter. Specifically, around the same time the scientist James Jeans could say: "The stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the Universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter... we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter.” So the Universe is completely mind; a fact that old traditions, such as the Hermetica, already indicated. It is good to realize that this is an area that also is approached from a certain framework and especially from the mind which actually cannot be understood with the mind. At the same time, this also makes it interesting; the person who tries to understand everything with the mind, now makes certain discoveries with modern technology and then again tries to accommodate this with the mind. But quantum physics is much better understood if we perceive reality from the heart, as ancient cultures already did. The electromagnetic field of the heart is 5000 times stronger than that of the brain. The heart can make connections, something the mind cannot. This is therefor the entry point to approach quantum physics. Electromagnetic force, together with the small radioactive and large nuclear force, form the three forces of quantum physics that are complementary to the gravitational force of Einstein's relativity theory.

The nature of our reality
A wellknow name within quantum physics is the physicist David Bohm, colleague of Einstein, who watched to the correspondence between science and spiritual wisdom traditions. After 40 years of research Bohm proposed that our reality is a 'holomovement'. The cosmos is a single unbroken wholeness in flowing movement in which each part of the flow contains the entire flow. There is one unitive process, very similar to Plato who said there is one living being. Bohm divided this movement in 2 aspects; one is the implicit order and one is the explicit order. The explicit order is that subset of this wholeness, that is directly perceptable to the human senses, which is what we would perceive as the normal physical universe. The implicit order is the fundamental reality, that underlying. The explicit order are the details that sprout from this and are visible to the human eye. Continuing on the classic particles of the Newtonian physics, Bohm showed that the electrons in quantum physics behaves as a conscious being with a conscious awareness. That everything is connected beyond time and space by quantum entanglement and nopn-locality was not appreciated by Einstein and he called this 'spooky action at a distance'.

Quantum physics is the play and display of information, play and display of potential, waves of information, waves of potential electrons. It is potential because there is only an electron when it is observed. It is therefore a universal field of pure potential. The building blocks of creation become more and more abstract the deeper you look at them. A molecule is a structure consisting of two or more atoms. The atom consists of an atomic nucleus surrounded by electrons. The atomic nucleus consists of protons and neutrons, each of which consists of three quarks, which in turn consist of strings. This means that the deeper into the matter, so towards the most elementary particles, there is actually no more matter left. There is nothing solid, but only vibration. The quantum field is thus a field of pure abstract potential, pure abstract being, and pure abstract self-aware consciousness. And that moves in waves of vibration, from which particles are created and from there increasingly dense shapes that people can observe. And it is potential, because it depends on the observer whether and what is manifested from this information field.

Jung and Gnosticism
Jung's work was to understand the human psyche. Herefore he studied many worldwide wisdom traditions and ancient cultures and synthesized them as far as it was possible for him. For example, at the end of his life he said that if he had ten years left to live, he would devote all this time to the study of astrology since astrology represents the sum of all ancient psychological knowledge. Mundane astrology, which deals with global events, gives a three-dimensional time interpretation to the quantum field. By studying the positions of the planets we get a potential picture of time within the quantum field. And based on the fractal principle that a small part is a reduced copy of the entire pattern, to which man is a micro manifestation of the macro universe, the planets also provide insight and a time indication to the inner psychological processes in man. An important area of ​​study for Jung was Gnosticism. However, because he had to do it with only limited texts, he was unable to work that out and he continued with the study of alchemy. The Nag Hammadi scriptures had not yet been found. On one of his birthdays in his 70's, when the Nag Hammadi texts had been translated, Gilles Quispel read the Gospel of Wisdom for him. Jung became emotional about this and said that the Gnostics 2000 years earlier already knew what he himself had been looking for all of his life. Because quantum physics is a scientific confirmation of what ancient cultures already have known for thousands of years, and Jung's quest was aimed at researching the universal principle of all these ancient cultures, in which Gnosticism formed an important pillar, this is an interesting starting point to make the connection.

Via Gnosticism to Quantum Physics
An important element of Gnosticism is the role of the demiurge, Jaldabaoth. Jaldabaoth is the son of Sophia and wants to prove that he can do better than God. Currently we see the externalization of this in the world: transhumanism, genetic manipulation, ectogenesis, artificial intelligence, gender transition, darkening the sun to control the climate, HAARP to influence the weather, etc. An important face in the transhumanist movement is Yuval Noah Harari who literally says that Jesus' words are fake news, that man will surpass God and that the current homo sapiens will become outdated and redundant. More recently he even says that within a few years artificial intelligence 'could create a religion that is correct.' Additionally Klaus Schwab said: 'God is dead'. The World Economic Forum gets the Divine Powers, so they are the gods. The United Nations will announce a program to ban the Bible and Harari will write a new Bible with artificial intelligence. Governments will be instructed to provide a 'fact-checked' version without the word God. A thought police must ensure that there is no more 'disinformation' (read reference to God) online. Physical immortality and perfection as the ultimate goal. In the words of Rudolf Steiner, Harari would be the literal incarnation of Jaldabaoth. Namely, in lectures Steiner spoke about the coming incarnation of Ahriman here on earth. In the tradition of the Iranian prophet Zarathustra, Ahriman represents the Lie, the opposite of the Divine Creator Ahura Mazda, who is determined to destroy Ahura Mazda's creation. From a Gnostic perspective, Jaldabaoth's wish fits exactly with what Harari portrays as inevitable. The researching reader of course will know that the announcements are packaged as nice sales pitch, but that in reality a kind of subhuman will be created whereby the artificial intelligence cloud will think for this subhuman. Transhumanism is the merging of the biological body with computers, after which the collective cloud can control the human brain.

From a Jungian perspective and from the true message of the Gnostics, the demiurge is primarily the outward-oriented part of man. And with this we can bring Jung and quantum physics together. The 'mind' or the I is the demiurge that creates by itself and thereby separates itself further and further from the Self and therefore from the Divine. Living from the heart is being one with all that is. The spiritual heart is the gateway to the quantum field. Through this vocabulairy, spirituality and science also come together; the scientific phrase quantum field next to the spiritual phrase spirit. Spirit is a quantum state; both are a state of information. Individual information present in a quantum potential. That is all the potential that exists in this Universe. Quantum physicists say that if a wave collapses within the quantum field, then there is a quantum state. Then there is a very specific information state. When that interacts with the electromagnetic field, it will inform that field what to do.

Quantum physics says that everything is energy, vibration and frequency. The quantum field is a field of infinite potential and possibilities. And perception determines your reality. The earth is non-local (everything is connected within one system), because there is (almost) no matter as we saw when we delved deeper into the atomic nucleus. What humans see as separated matter are holograms, which vibrate at a lower vibration frequency. And these illusory objects are still fully part of and connected with the total information field. Through our perception we create a reality that we think is real, but is in fact a projection of our mind. To be aware of this and become one with a state of pure consciousness, to take a step back, self-inquiry, to feel that we are the witness of the witness, makes us again completely one with the entire quantum field and then we ourselves are all that is, what has been and what will be.

All is one
The latter corresponds to what the ancient Egyptians called the all-encompassing but elusive unity symbolised by the goddess Isis portrayed and worshipped as ‘all that has been and is and shall be’ and the ‘mother and father of all things’. The Greek philosopher Heraclitus called this 'From all things One and from One all things’ some 2,500 years ago. However, Western culture, science and the Church have long rejected the idea that everything is one connected field. As a result, monism was initially passed on by Plato's academy in secret and only orally, after which later it did evolve into an important trademark of his school. In 1935, another quantum pioneer, Erwin Schrödinger, described the entanglement between two or more particles in the quantum system as ‘the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics, the one that enforces its entire departure from classical lines of thought’. Schrödinger also described when two systems enter into temporary physical interaction and when after a time of mutual influence the systems separate again, then they can no longer be described in the same way as before.
Entanglement is quantum physics' way of integrating parts into a whole from which arises Heraclitus’ tenet ‘From all things One’. With that, nothing really exists except the Universe as a whole.
In the early years of quantum physics, in 1927 Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg said that one can never experience both the particle and wave aspects of a quantum object at the same time. This means that reality is fundamentally unobservable, just like the veiled Egyptian goddess Isis; something that is incompatible for mainstream science given their experimental approach.
In 1951 David Bohm wrote that quantum physics requires that we ‘give up the idea that the world can correctly be analysed into distinct parts’ and ‘replace it with the assumption that the entire universe is basically a single, indivisible unit’.
Around 1970 the German physicist Heinz-Dieter Zeh discovered decoherence which means that our daily-life experience is protected from too much quantum weirdness. If a quantum object is a particle existing in two different locations, then each of them is dependent from the perspective of the observer who doesn’t know the exact state of the environment, which arguably is the entire rest of the Universe. According to this, the physicist Hugh Everett proposed that quantum measurements don’t have only a single outcome, but all outcomes could be realised in parallel realities. This interpretation of Everett doesn’t describe many parallel worlds but rather a single quantum universe, governed by a universal wave function. In other words, if a hypothetical observer could see the entire Universe from the outside with all its possibilities revealed, the cosmos would manifest as a single quantum object.
According to Everett and Zeh, the fundamental description of the Universe is a single entangled state, described by a universal wave function. Everything we experience in our daily lives emerges from this fundamental quantum reality. This view also makes us to rethink our notion of space and time. The starting point for much of Stephen Hawking’s work on cosmology describes a timeless universe.

The art of perception
From neurobiology we know that every person, due to the unique set of cell receptors, is unique and is therefore an individual with an unique point of perception. This is in line with Jung's archetype theory, which describes that the extent to which certain archetypes are active and through their mutual interaction, both harmonious and dynamic, determines the individual's perception. This therefore provides a framework for the potential of and the possibilities within the quantum field, which are infinite. Accessibility is therefore dependent on the individual's field of consciousness. And that is of course what Jung is known for; to bring unconscious material as much as possible into the conscious. For him, the use of projection was an important instrument. And we saw earlier in the role of the demiurg that projection is an abolition from the collective field. To see through projection contributes to give up the ego and thus to return to yourself, to who you really are, away from the identities created by the demiurg and the dream world as a result. The path to the Self is the path of returning home in yourself and thus with the All, the quantum field, God, 'the Great Spirit'.

Observing influences the world that is observed. Which also means that the observer is the observer, the process of observing and the observed, and that together this is an entangled quantum system, and that observing is creative. So we are creative beings, we continuously create our experience and that of the Universe. When we are unconscious, we project our shadow and are conditioned by our own projection. This makes it 'a virus of the mind'. Jung called the virus of the mind a totalitarian psychosis. This virus of the mind was to the North American Natives known as 'wetiko'. Becoming conscious about this mainly teaches us something about ourselves. This allows us to see quantum physics as a spiritual tradition.

The essence of quantum physics
Synchronicity is Jung's theory of the coincidence of two seemingly unrelated events or the coincidence of an inner event with an outer event. Quantum physics shows, among others through the CERN particle accelerator in Geneva, that particles influence each other. A well-known example is that of a bird dropping in Brazil, which could cause a storm in Europe. Observing a particle on one side of the earth affects a particle on the other side of the earth. It has now even been shown that this applies beyond the framework of the matrix, the illusory visible and therefore separately experienced reality that is limited by the speed of light. And so that the observation of a particle within the speed of light influences a particle beyond the speed of light. Jung is known for the synchronicity anecdote about the scarab; a client talks about her dream in which a scarab appears, after which Jung walks to the window and opens it to grab a scarab, a gold beetle. Quantum physics could be able to explain that by bringing the scarab into the consciousness and pay attention to it, the electrical impulse from the brain has manifested the scarab in the outside world. Because the brain as a processor creates reality. At the same time it may be, because everything within the quantum field is one, and that the client has picked up the external scarab in its own consciousness.
We now also arrive at the most important principle of quantum physics; consciousness creates our life experience. Which fits in nicely with the Jungian psychology of making the unconscious conscious, so that the unconscious does not direct life as if it were fate.

Important facts from the research field of quantum physics:
  • Mass can change into energy and energy into mass;
  • The photon, the fundamental unit of light, has wave and particle properties;
  • Matter, like light, has wave properties;
  • For every particle in the here and now there is an antiparticle;
  • An electron and its positron annihilate each other if they are in the same place at the same time;
  • There are virtual particles, which do not exist or do not exist permanently unless they are observed or manipulated. Some physicists believe that they pop in and out of existence and when "here" play an essential role in the functioning or creation of fundamental natural forces, atomic changes, and vacuum states;
  • An individual electron or proton can move in two or more directions at the same time;
  • No two electrons can make the same movement at the same time;
  • Once connected, two particles or wave particles can continue to influence each other no matter where they are;
  • A particle can move or rotate in two directions at one time;
  • Entropy ('lost energy'), can also be defined as 'hidden energy', which, if contained in an antiworld or 'untrodden path', may perhaps be rediscovered;
  • Although Einstein claimed that mass cannot travel faster than light, research has shown that pulsating light can under certain conditions. Pulsating light is emitted at intervals, while continuous or 'normal' light is a fixed beam of energy. The space between the flashes of light allows light to be slowed down into matter.

To conclude
Quantum physics says that our reality is a simulation. The program that runs through our bodies connects us to a simulated reality. Because of which we see the world as it appears to us in that way, although that world is not at all like that when you look deeper into it. If your program indicates that nature, viruses, climate and Russians are external objective threats that you should be afraid of, then a world will emerge as it is now. Not only because this is programmed as such in the unconscious, but it is also extra emphasized, partly manipulatively to circumvent the conscious, by that same world. Jung said that “only those with an inner life, an inner core that provides a secure base independent of social structures or external authorities, are able to stand aside in times when the masses are on the rampage, and to ask themselves – 'is it correct what is happening here'?” Most people are unaware of their unconscious programs and see their subjective perception as an objective truth. Because just like quantum physics, Jung sees every creature as a unique individual with an unique perception. Therefore the goal to become who you really are. And at the same time everything is one, because there is only one consciousness. The way to get there is through the Self. After which the consciousness is experienced that there are no external threats, because we ourselves are nature, the virus, the climate and the other. The Maya have used this for thousands of years in their greeting 'In Lak'ech' or 'I am another you'. The confirmation that this ancient culture originally already carries this wisdom within itself. To achieve that state of consciousness, the convergence with the quantum field, the unconscious programs must become conscious and transformed. Jung calls this shadow work; facing what is repressed and unconscious. It means opening yourself, literally opening your mind. Get out of the left brain and work more with the right brain. At the same time, this requires courage, because the world does not accept that and sees it as deviant. And it certainly does not serve those in power, so there will be counterforce, because power actually benefits from fragmentation. At the same time, when you show courage and put it into action, a different world will naturally emerge. The integration of the unconscious into the conscious creates more awareness, more wholeness, and thus a different perception. And a different perception creates a different reality. The polarity and unity in one, which coincide with each other as the symbiosis of one and the other.

2024-03-20 04:00